Updating the mCar device

Download the following 2 files, by right clicking and saving the file
Please ensure the filename is correct when you save it, especially if you have previously downloaded a file with the same name

Download the config.txt file for your country / head unit.
COMAND: Europe, Rest of world except Japan
Audio-20/Audio-50 USA, Canada
Audio-20/Audio-50 Europe, Rest of World except Japan
Please note COMAND is the colour satellite navigation system

Erase/Format your USB memory stick, copy the umia2m.bin and the done.mp3 file onto the stick. Plug in the memory stick to the mCar device, and turn on. After a short while the done.mp3 file will play (and say "Update Done"), unplug the stick and check that the umia2m.bin has been renamed to update.yes

Now erase the memory stick again, and save the config.txt file onto the memory stick. Insert it into the mCar device, wait 10 seconds, remove it and check that it has been renamed to 'config.yes'.

Turn off the stereo, wait 30 seconds, and then turn on again.

Manual available Here